It seems like age is just a number for Tollywood Diva Jaya Ahsan. Her latest photoshoot has already set hearts racing and the mercury rising even during this cold winter. Her bold poses in front of the camera are enough to steal the spotlight from her younger counterparts. The actress has fans in both India and Bangladesh who have adored and praised her for maintaining a fit and flawless body shape even at this age. Check out the following photos of the actress who looks jaw-droppingly gorgeous.
She is wearing a black off-shoulder crop top. Open chest with a golden pastel-colored silk wrap around. Looks a bit like the South Indian lungi style. The outfit is very beautiful. Along with that, she flaunts her waist very nicely. There is fat deposition in the abs. That’s why the sexual appeal of Jaya in such clothes is worth seeing. Jaya’s crop top is pretty. The hands have very beautiful claws. Also, the detailing near the neck is very beautiful which makes her look ravishing.