Bhartiya Janata Party BJP is considered to nominate its Foreign Secretary Harshvardhan Shringhla to secure the Darjeeling Lok Sabha seats in West Bengal.
Raju Bista currently serving as the member of parliament representing the party for the last 3 years,BJP has been securing victory in Darjeeling elections with Raju bishtha
But, the party is concerned about the upcoming elections being not so sure with Raju Bista’s performance. Internal report says local voters feel Bista has not addressed the regions’ need for development adequately, prompting a search for eligible member for the “post”
As a result considering Harshvardhan Singhla as the potential candidate , being the ex-foreign Secretary, G20 summit coordinator, his notable stature and Name recognition would be of great use, as considered.
According to sources senior journalist Anita Katyal is an opinion column highlighted how retired diplomats bureaucrats especially former bureaucrats “are clearly a hot favorite with the Narendra Modi government”.
She also adds after the induction of bureaucrats like S Jai Shankar, Hardeep Singh Puri, RK Singh and Ashwani Vashnav , there is a strong buzz in the country capital.