Arvind Kejriwal, The Delhi CM arrested by the enforcement directorate on March 21. He is currently in the Thar jail under judicial custody, the AAP Rajya Sabha member Sandeep Pathak and Punjab Chief Minister Bhagavad Manmeet Kejriwal on April 15.
The chief ministers plan of action for reviewing the functioning of various departments in the upcoming days was shared by Pathak the party National General Secretary (organisation)
“From next week, the chief minister will call two ministers to jail every week and there he will review the work of their departments and give them guidelines and directions,” Pathak said.
According to Tihar Jail officials, the Delhi chief ministers list include Atishi, Kailash galhot and Saurabh Bharadwaj in the list of visitors allowed to meet him twice a week.
according to sources it is known that the AAP National General Secretary (organisation) said Kejriwal asked him to convey a message to the party MLAs to go door to door in the areas and understand people’s concern.
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