A tragic incident occurred in West Bengal’s Hooghly district on Monday morning when a crude bomb explosion in Pandua resulted in the death of a child and left two others seriously injured. The explosion took place while the three children, aged between 10 and 12, were playing near a pond.
Authorities responded quickly to the scene, where the children were found lying in a pool of blood. They were immediately rushed to the hospital, but one child was pronounced dead upon arrival. The other two sustained serious injuries, with one losing an arm in the blast. The deceased child was reportedly visiting his uncle due to summer vacation from school.
Akash Dutta, a Pandua resident, described the scene as horrifying, noting that the children likely mistook the crude bomb for a toy. The incident has sparked a political debate in light of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections on May 20, particularly because the explosion occurred just before a scheduled rally by TMC leader Abhishek Banerjee.
BJP member of Parliament from Hooghly, Locket Chatterjee, criticized the ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC) for the incident, claiming the party was responsible for fostering a dangerous environment with their reliance on arms and explosives. Similarly, Congress leader Soumya Aich Roy questioned the state of law and order in West Bengal, wondering if residents were living in a “war zone” due to frequent recovery of weapons and explosives.
There has been no immediate response from the TMC regarding the incident, as the investigation continues.
Read more: https://thelocaljournalist.com/18-year-old-youth-allegedly-murdered-in-kolkata-over-water-dispute/