The polling is being held in 93 Lok Sabha constituency class 11 States all over the country and Union territories today.
According to the ECI ( Election Commission of India ) 1,331 candidates are in fray in the Phase 3 elections.
This is known that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Hom minister Amit Shah among the first voters to cast their vote in the phase 3 election.
Writing a social media post Prime Minister, Narendra Modi said, ” Their active participation will certainly make the elections more vibrant. ”
After the Phase 3 elections, fate of 83 Lok Sabha seats would be locked today, this brings us to a conclusion that half of 443 Lok Sabha seat selection will be over by the end of the phase 3 elections.
Voting process begins at 7:00 a.m. and ends at 6:00 p.m.
West Bengal recorded highest 49.27% turn out till 1:00 p.m.
Read more: http://Lok Sabha elections ….