Gun Instead of Pen is in Hand of Poet: Injured President of Slovakia

A 70 years old poet shoot the president of Slovakia, Robert Fiko. Now he is seriously injured . The bullets hit on his chest, Stomach and hand. After operation he is now stable but in many leaders of several countries criticize of this incident.

President come to Hendelova city where front of a governmental building, he was wounded in an assassination attempt. At that time he fell on the ground and was taken to nearest hospital. The accused person of this attempt to murder case is a poet of middle Europe.

Meanwhile after a four hour surgery doctors said that “Now Fiko is out of danger”. The interior minister says “suspect charged with attempted murder is ‘lone wolf’ who had joined anti-government protests.”

Fiko openly supports Russia, he always says in favor of Vladimir Putin. And the accrued person was a ex security guard and a member of national writer organization. He is a believer of opposite ideology of government, and several times took a part of anti governmental movement. Also he took apart of anti Russia movement.

The son of this old accrued persons has claims that his father is an anti governmental person, he doesn’t vote in past elections. But his son can’t believe that his father did something like this .

Though Fiko is staunch opposition of America, America criticize of this incident. On the other hand India’s prime minister Narendra Modi said,”this is a coward like work”.

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