In a solemn mission marked by grief and solidarity, a specially arranged Indian Air Force aircraft has departed from Kuwait, carrying the remains of 45 Indian nationals who tragically lost their lives in a devastating fire just two days ago. The poignant journey commenced from Kuwait and is bound for Kerala’s Kochi, with subsequent plans to proceed to Delhi. Among the passengers onboard is Gonda MP Kirti Vardhan Singh, who, despite recent responsibilities as a junior minister in the foreign ministry, rushed to Kuwait to oversee the repatriation process.
The Indian embassy in Kuwait issued a statement, highlighting the coordinated efforts that led to the swift repatriation. “A special IAF aircraft carrying mortal remains of 45 Indian victims in the fire incident in Kuwait has taken off for Kochi. MoS K V Singh (MP Gonda), who coordinated with Kuwaiti authorities ensuring swift repatriation, is onboard the aircraft,” the embassy affirmed.
As the aircraft makes its journey, ambulances stand ready at Cochin airport, awaiting its arrival, as depicted by visuals shared online.
The tragedy unfolded on Wednesday when a massive fire engulfed a six-storied building in Mangaf city, claiming the lives of at least 48 individuals. Out of the 176 Indian workers housed in the facility, 45 succumbed to the blaze, while 33 remain hospitalized, according to embassy reports. The remaining individuals are reported to be safe.
The victims hailed from various states across India, with 23 from Kerala, seven from Tamil Nadu, and others from Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, Bihar, Punjab, Karnataka, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Jharkhand, and Haryana.
Upon his arrival in Kuwait on Thursday, Minister Kirti Vardhan Singh visited five hospitals where the injured workers are undergoing treatment. The embassy stated that the discharge of these individuals will be based on their health conditions, as communicated by hospital authorities.
During his visit, Minister Singh held discussions with Sheikh Fahad Al-Yousuf Al-Sabah, the First Deputy Prime Minister, who pledged unwavering support and assistance for the swift repatriation of the deceased.
Identifying the victims proved to be a formidable task, with Minister Singh confirming that DNA testing was conducted due to the severe charring of the bodies. Authorities have confirmed the identities of 48 bodies, comprising 45 Indians and three individuals of Filipino nationality, as reported by Mr. Al-Sabah.
In response to the tragic incident, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced compensation of ₹2 lakh for the families of those who perished in the Kuwait fire.
Meanwhile, local authorities in Kuwait have initiated an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the housing facility, probing how more than 160 individuals came to reside in the building.
As the nation mourns the loss of these lives, the repatriation of the deceased serves as a poignant reminder of the need for solidarity and swift action in times of adversity.
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