In a tragic incident, four Indian Army soldiers, including a Major, lost their lives during a fierce encounter with terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir’s Doda district on Monday. The operation, jointly conducted by the Indian Army and the Jammu and Kashmir Police, was initiated based on specific intelligence regarding terrorist presence in the Desa area of Doda.
The encounter, which began monday around 9 pm, escalated into a heavy firefight as contact was made with the terrorists. Initial reports indicated injuries to several soldiers, with at least five critically wounded. This unfortunate incident marks the second major attack in the Jammu region within a week, following a similar tragic encounter in Kathua where five soldiers were killed.
The attack in Kathua involved a coordinated strike on two trucks carrying troops, resulting in casualties and injuries. The use of grenades, armor-piercing bullets, and sophisticated weaponry like the M4 assault rifle underscores the evolving tactics employed by terrorists in the region.
Terrorist activities, once localized to districts like Poonch and Rajouri, have now spread across the entire Jammu region, raising significant security concerns. Over the past 32 months alone, the region has witnessed the loss of 48 brave soldiers in action. Reports indicate a presence of over 60 foreign terrorists, trained in jungle warfare, operating in Jammu, highlighting the complex security challenges faced by the security forces.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently emphasized the need for the Army to deploy its full spectrum of anti-terrorist capabilities to eliminate terrorism in the Jammu region. As the region grapples with escalating violence, the shadow of fear has cast a pall over all ten districts, necessitating enhanced vigilance and robust counter-terrorism measures.
The sacrifice of these soldiers serves as a stark reminder of the relentless battle being waged against terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir, underscoring the bravery and commitment of our armed forces in ensuring peace and security in the region.
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