Israel started bombing arbitrarily at Rafha. Der-ala-bala a city of middle Gaza , has became a graveyard. 21 people died during bombing , many are injured. They were taken away at Al-saksha hospital . Many of them are in denger .
From 12th May Israel randomly start bombing on gaza, it’s seems that they don’t care about life . They already have destroyed many hospitals, killed kids mercilessly.. the journalist of this area has informed that Israel has start a heavy attack on palestine .. they started bombing from the sky and shoot people arbitrary like not Hamas but common people are the real enemy of Israel.. perhaps there is no hope to ceasefire .
The other side student of America continuously sustain there movement against Israel. Police already has arrested thousands of pro palestine students that is why the professors stand behind the students .. Sanna university already have ensured that they are with those students and if any of pro palestine student will be rusticated by university authority of America , they can apply on Sanna university .
Now a days a video has gone viral on social media, on that video a student bursting her under graduate degree in the hall, her hand are handcrafted .. she did this for showing protest against arresting the pro palestine students . Many people appreciated this girl .
On 9th May palestine has got full membership of united nation but despite of that no action is being taken from any assembly to ceasefire .. seeing the brutality of Israel and silent of humanity united nation called this situation “An unprecedented crisis of humanity”. But the question is what they are doing to resolved this situation .
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