The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) arrested Rakesh Ranjan, also known as Rocky, the alleged mastermind behind the NEET-UG paper leak scandal. He was arrested from the outskirts of Patna and produced before a special court, which sent him to CBI custody for 10 days.
Accused Rocky is said to be a relative of Sanjeev Mukhia, the alleged mastermind behind the paper leaks. The CBI had been trailing him since taking over the case, and his attempt to evade arrest ended when he was caught.
The CBI conducted searches at four locations in Patna and West Bengal linked to the accused. Rocky was traced using advanced technology.
So far, the CBI has filed six FIRs in connection with the alleged irregularities in the medical entrance exam. One FIR in Bihar deals with paper leaks, while others from Gujarat, Rajasthan, and Maharashtra involve cases of candidate impersonation and cheating.
NEET-UG is conducted by the NTA, and it is used for admissions to MBBS, BDS, AYUSH, and related courses in both government and private institutions. This year’s exam took place on May 5 across 4,750 centers in 571 cities, including 14 abroad, with over 23 lakh candidates appearing for it.
The arrest comes hours after the Supreme Court deferred the hearing regarding the irregularities in the NEET UG exam and the request for a re-examination to July 18.