Mohammed Salim, CPM state secretary and CPM Murshidabad candidate said, “In the last two elections, a false binary was created about the fight in the state being between the TMC and the BJP … People now have an alternative in the Left and the Congress.”
In a conversation with the Indian Express, Mohammed Salim talks about the challenges faced from the TMC and BJP when asked questions such as , The strategy of fielding young candidates has not yet brought the CPI(M) results. Will it be different this time?
He replied, the elections are going to take place and you are talking about the past, he emphasize on focusing on the present scenario of the state according to him both Central and the state has failed to address the need of the aspirants.
Another question asked in a way, What is the poll agenda of the Left Front and the Congress?
He replied by saying, while BJP is focusing on issues such as UCC and Ram Mandir they are talking about people’s bread and butter and issues such as inflation.
He also at the statement by taming TMC is not addressing Bengal’s real problems and making money through illegal arms and smuggling