A heartbreaking incident unfolded in Faridabad, Haryana, where 19-year-old Class 12 student Aryan Mishra was tragically mistaken for a cattle smuggler and killed. A group of cow vigilantes chased Aryan’s car for 25 kilometers before fatally shooting him.
Five individuals have been arrested in connection with the August 23 incident. According to police, the accused received a tip about suspected cattle smugglers using Duster and Fortuner SUVs for surveillance, leading to the mistaken identity.
Aryan was out with friends Harshit and Shanky in a Duster car around midnight when the accused, also in a car, signaled them to stop. Mistakenly believing it was a confrontation related to a previous dispute, the occupants sped away, leading the vigilantes to chase them.
The pursuit ended in tragedy when the accused opened fire, striking Aryan with a bullet. Despite Harshit pulling over, the attackers approached and fired another shot, resulting in Aryan’s death.
The arrested suspects – Anil Kaushik, Varun, Krishna, Adesh, and Saurav – initially attempted to mislead police but were later found to be in possession of the murder weapon.
This incident follows a similar case in Haryana’s Charkhi Dadri district, where a migrant worker was beaten to death by cow vigilantes over suspicion of consuming beef. Seven people were arrested for the murder.