The Kolkata Police’s arrested a person named Shanto Kumar Mitra from a hotel in Park Circus area for posing as IAS and duping a person by allegedly taking around 12 Lakhs rupees.
The complainant Manju Ghosh filed an FIR with the Burtolla Police Station. Cops arrested Shanto based on inputs from credible sources. According to Ghosh, the accused impersonated himself as an IAS Officer attached with the CM’s Office and demanded Government Flats at a Luxury Residencial Complex in Rajarhat under V.V.I.P Quota. He also sought arrangements for Foreign Liquor and Restaurant Bar License. Ghosh paid Mitra 11, 76,000 after which the latter went into hiding.
Police arrested absconding Shanto from The Crest Hotel on Biresh Guha Road. According to cops he was hiding there since a year. Some important documents have also been recovered from the room no. 101 in which he was staying.
Police found out that accused was a Beleghata resident and his car, now seized has multiple stickers- Nabanna, Kolkata Police, West Bengal Police and Raj Bhavan pasted on windscreen.