Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan recently wrapped up the first schedule of his upcoming comedy film directed by his father, David Dhawan. The film, which marks the fourth collaboration between the father-son duo, also stars Mrunal Thakur. The shoot took place in Mumbai, where Varun sustained a serious rib injury. However, the actor’s dedication shone through as he continued to work despite the pain, completing the initial phase of the shoot alongside Mrunal.
Varun and Mrunal are pairing up for the first time on the big screen, generating significant buzz among fans and industry insiders alike. The film’s next shooting schedule is slated for November, allowing Varun to finish his work on another project, “Sunny Sanskari Ki Tulsi Kumari.” This movie is penned and directed by Shashank Khaitan and features an ensemble cast including Janhvi Kapoor, Sanya Malhotra, Rohit Saraf, Maniesh Paul, and Akshay Oberoi.
The upcoming comedy is Varun and David’s fourth venture together. They have previously delivered hits like “Main Tera Hero,” “Judwaa 2,” and “Coolie No. 1.” Their collaborations have consistently garnered positive responses from audiences, and expectations are high for this new project.
In addition to this comedy, Varun has a packed schedule with multiple exciting projects in the pipeline. After wrapping up “Sunny Sanskari Ki Tulsi Kumari,” Varun will be seen in the action thriller “Baby John,” directed by A. Kalai Swaran. The film, produced in collaboration with Jio Studios and Cine 1 Studios, has South Indian director Atlee on board as a presenter.
Varun is also gearing up for his role in the Indian adaptation of the popular Hollywood series “Citadel.” The original series, created by the Russo Brothers, stars Priyanka Chopra and Richard Madden, and has received international acclaim. In the Indian version, Varun will star opposite Samantha Ruth Prabhu, with Raj and DK helming the project. Though the release date for the Indian “Citadel” has not yet been announced, the series is already generating significant anticipation.
Despite the challenges posed by his rib injury, Varun’s commitment to his work remains unwavering. His ability to push through physical pain and continue shooting is a testament to his professionalism and dedication to his craft. Fans eagerly await the release of his upcoming films, confident that Varun’s performances will continue to captivate and entertain.
As Varun juggles multiple high-profile projects, his resilience and work ethic set a powerful example for aspiring actors and solidify his status as one of Bollywood’s most dedicated stars.