Usman Ghani was previously expelled from the BJP over remarks against speech by Prime Minister Narendra Modi referring to Muslims and after two days, Usman Ghani was arrested for breach of peace.
No one in the BJP cell wants to talk about Usman Ghani including the party members as well as his family members.
A party leader said, “always calling a spade a spade”. “I was already influenced by the BJP. There are many leaders in the minority cell but there is no one here who worked as hard as Ghani.”
The leader also adds, ” Everyone knows him. He was the face of the party’s minority cell and attended meetings outside Bikaner too.”
Ramzan Ali who also hails from Bikaner ads “Ghani was in the party only for seven-eight years. He was the district vice-president of the minority cell earlier and the district president for the last three years.”
According to him BJP did the right thing, taking action against Gandhi, ” Since he wasn’t loyal to the party, he was expelled. How can you speak against the party while being in the party?… I have been in the party for the last 40 years and these people who joined yesterday are speaking ill of it.”