A tragic incident occurred in Kolkata on Sunday night when a young man was allegedly murdered for not providing water for drinking. The victim, identified as 18-year-old Nitish Ravidas, was reportedly hacked to death while he was sleeping on the roof of the KMC quarters near the Phoolbagan police station.
According to reports, the suspect, Akash Hari, climbed onto the roof where Nitish was sleeping and took his water bottle. When Nitish repeatedly asked for the water bottle back, Akash allegedly refused to return it. Following an argument, Akash reportedly attacked Nitish with a knife, inflicting a fatal wound on the left side of his chest.
Nitish was rushed to NRS Hospital, but despite efforts to save him, he was declared dead by the attending doctors. The Phoolbagan police have arrested Akash Hari in connection with the murder and have launched an investigation into the incident.
Authorities are also examining whether there was any prior enmity between the two young men. Nitish’s body has been sent for a post-mortem examination. Initial findings suggest that Nitish worked at a dry fruits shop near Kankurgachi, while Akash is unemployed. Both the fathers of the victim and the suspect work as cleaners for the Kolkata Municipal Corporation.
Locals are calling for strict punishment for the accused as the community mourns the loss of the young victim. The investigation into the tragic incident continues.
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