A distressing incident unfolded on Sarat Bose Road in Kolkata’s Tollygunge police station area, where a group of drunken youths stands accused of molesting a young woman and harassing her male companion. The shocking ordeal began around 6 am on Thursday, leaving the victims traumatized and highlighting the urgent need for swift justice.
According to the victim, who opted to remain unnamed, the morning took a horrifying turn when they stopped at a kachuri shop for breakfast. As they patiently waited for their order, a group of 10 to 13 inebriated individuals arrived, displaying reckless behavior and utter disregard for decency.
The situation quickly escalated as one of the youths callously pushed the woman’s scooty aside, replacing it with his own vehicle. Despite her silence, the group persisted, making lewd gestures and creating an atmosphere of intimidation. When her male companion voiced his disapproval, he became the target of physical assault, enduring a brutal beating for nearly 15 to 20 minutes.
The victim’s distress was compounded by the apathy of onlookers and the shop staff, who remained passive bystanders, failing to intervene or offer assistance. Even the timely arrival of law enforcement proved elusive, with allegations surfacing that the police response was delayed.
Despite filing a complaint with the Tollygunge police station and subsequent emails to higher authorities, including the Police Commissioner of Kolkata Police and DC South, justice remains elusive. The victim’s plea for the registration of a case under Section 307 (attempt to murder) has been met with indifference, further exacerbating their trauma and sense of helplessness.
In an act of resilience and determination, the victim vows to pursue justice, gathering eyewitness accounts and preparing to escalate the matter to the office of DC (South). However, fear still looms large, with reports emerging of threats directed not only at the victims but also at those who have dared to support them.
Amidst the anguish and despair, the demand for immediate action against the perpetrators grows louder, echoing the sentiments of a community outraged by the brazen disregard for human dignity and safety. As the investigation unfolds, hopes remain pinned on the swift delivery of justice and the restoration of faith in the rule of law.
The harrowing ordeal serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for societal solidarity and vigilance against such abhorrent acts of violence. It is imperative that all stakeholders, from law enforcement to civil society, unite in condemning such behavior and working towards a future where every individual can live without fear of harassment or assault.
Read more: https://thelocaljournalist.com/seven-injured-in-neighbor-dispute-shooting-in-murshidabad/